Monday, June 13, 2011

Sports Psychology Myths Busted

The 1920's saw the emergence of psychology as a significant winning strategy in sports. According to history, Germany is said to have developed the first sports psychology laboratory in Berlin. Russia is said to have dived into it a few years later. Overall, these two nations have actually produced some excellent athletes back then and even in recent times.

But it is the North Americans that took it to the next level. Coleman Griffith, the first American sports psychologist, played a prominent role in setting up the first lab in the United States. No one can anymore refute the fact that sports psychology works wonders. If you still do, his landmark book, 'The Psychology of coaching' should help you realize that it is not a myth. Psychology in sports actually works.

As with anything that is hugely successful, myths and misinformation are never far off, Unsurprisingly, some quacks in these field and many people have developed some myths surrounding psychology in the area of sports.

But here are some common (and ridiculous) myths that I would like to expose:

1) Sports psychology works best with only with top-level athletes; this is not entirely true. The highly skilled athletes can gain more from it because they have fully developed the physical skills and abilities. However, sports psychology can work for any athlete at any level. In any case, novices have to learn the basic techniques - and actually learn how to play.

2) Sports psychology can replace basic training; this couldn't be any further from the truth. You would be out of your mind if you thought you could get outstanding results by just feeling positive, or a mere 'can do' attitude. A few lucky breaks are all one can muster, and then the losing streak checks in. One must still practice and develop the techniques and skills of the sport.

3) The mental set up is the difference between athletes of the same skill level: not nearly as much. At the top level of any sport, the mental game might seem to be the determinant, but not entirely. It is usually a balanced combination of the technical abilities, the skills, and the mental set up that creates outstanding sportsmen.

4) It is only for the enlightened sportsmen: tell it to the birds! Sports psychology will work for any individual engaging in any of the various sports.

While these are just a few myths and misinformation going round, there may be others that need to be dispelled.

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